

ABILIS Foundation is a development fund, founded by people with disabilities in Finland in 1998. Its mandate is to support the activities leading to the empowerment of disabled persons in the Global South (developing countries).
ABILIS Foundation supports activities that contribute toward equal opportunities for disabled people in society through human rights, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency. Special priority is given to projects on advocating for human rights of disabled people and to activities developed and implemented by disabled women.
ABILIS Foundation gives small grants ranging from 500 to 10.000 Euros to projects initiated by disabled persons. We support organizations that are run by persons who have a disability, be it related to mobility, vision, hearing or any other type of disability. We also support organisations that are run by parents of children with disabilities.
Contact Information:
Abilis Programme Officer Ms Anna Samwel
Information Centre on Disability, PO Box 75576, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel:+255 22 2400227, +255 683 703 679

Foundation for civil society

The Foundation for Civil Society is a Tanzanian non-profit company, designed and funded by a group of like-minded development partners, and governed by an independent Board.
The vision of the Foundation is ‘A Tanzania where citizens are empowered to realise their rights and engage in change processes that enhance their quality of life. The mission of the Foundation is “To empower citizens through the provision of grants, facilitating linkages and enabling a culture of ongoing learning to civil society”.
The Grants department is primarily responsible for issues regarding grants. It is responsible for grants information dissemination through information sessions, grants application processing and contract management of the projects.

Contact Information:

Haidery Plaza, 5th floor
Upanga/Kisutu Street
P.O. Box 7192, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel:+255 22 - 2138530 / 2138531 / 2138532,  +255 744 – 760770, +255 741 – 323175
Fax: +255 22 – 2138533

Under the same sun
Under The Same Sun (UTSS) Fund is a Canadian, Christian charity founded in 2008 by the current CEO, Peter Ash. UTSS is investing significantly within Tanzania to improve the lives of  Persons With Albinism (PWA) by establishing a well staffed office and resource center there. Our primary focus is on advocacy and education as well as assisting PWA to access external information, education bursaries, health care and other community supports available to assist with their genetic condition.
Education Scholarship Fund (ESF) offers education grants to keen and dedicated students with albinism demonstrating a need for financial or other schooling assistance. If you are a PWA living in Tanzania and are interested in being sponsored for education, please contact UTSS from their website and your request will be forwarded to their office in Dar es Salaam.

Contact information:

Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF)

Tanzania Social Action Fund is a funding organisation that wants to empower communities to access opportunities so that they can request, implement and monitor subprojects that contribute to their livelihood, linked to Millenium Development Goals indicator targets in the Poverty Reduction Strategy.

Contacts information:

Tanzania Social Action Fund, Po Box 9183, Dar es salaam

Vodacom Foundation

The Foundation focuses Vodacom's corporate social investment efforts with the aim of improving the lives of Tanzanians through poverty alleviation and promoting economic development. The Foundation looks at four key areas, namely education, health, economic empowerment and social welfare which are in line with Tanzania's national development priorities.

Cont acts information:

Vodacom Tanzania Limited, 1st Floor, Building No. 2, Mlimani City Office Park, Mlimani City
Sam Nujoma Road ,P. O. Box 2369  Dar es Salaam.

Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA)

REPOA is one of the leading independent research institutions in Tanzania, specializing in policy research on socio-economic and development issues.
For the capacity building of researchers, each department provides research grants and designs specific training courses for beginning and intermediate researchers depending on identification of needs in relation to the research to be undertaken.

Contacts information:

Research on Poverty Alleviation - 157 Mgombani Street Regent Estate,
P.O. Box 33223, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Phone: +255 (22) 270 0083 / +255 (22) 277 2556
Fax: +255 (22) 277 5738 | Mobile: +255 (0)78 455 5655

Economic and Social Research Fund (ESRF)

The Economic and Social Research Foundation was established in 1994 as an independent, not-for-profit institution for research and policy analysis.
The formation of ESRF was based on the assumption that there was need and demand for an improved understanding of policy options and development management issues, and that the capacity for this was lacking in the Tanzania civil service.
ESRF addressed this gap by putting into place qualified Professional Staff, modest resources and a favourable research environment for the analysis and discussion of economic and social policy.
The primary objectives of the Foundation are to strengthen capabilities in policy analysis and development management and to enhance the understanding of policy options in the government, the public sector, civil society, and the donor community and the growing private sector.

Contact information:
51 Uporoto Street, Ursino Estates, P.O Box 31226, Dar es Salaam.

Rapid funding envelope for HIV/AIDS

The Rapid Funding Envelope for HIV/AIDS (RFE) is an innovative partnership between the Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS), the Zanzibar AIDS Commission (ZAC), nine bilateral donors, and one private foundation. Established in 2002, the RFE's purpose is to enable civil society institutions in Tanzania to participate fully in the national multi-sectoral response to the AIDS epidemic. To do so, the RFE provides grants to Tanzanian non-profit civil society organisations, academic institutions, and civil society partnerships for essential, short-term projects aligned with the National Policy on HIV/AIDS and the National Multi-Sectoral Strategic Framework. Urgent, best practice, or innovative projects are funded in six priority areas:
  • Prevention, advocacy, information/education/communication, and behavior change communication
  • Care and support for HIV/AIDS and related opportunistic infections
  • Impact mitigation of the effects of the epidemic, including orphans and vulnerable children
  • Research to provide baseline information or assess effectiveness
  • Institutional strengthening, including capacity building in monitoring and evaluation
  • Interventions for children aged 0—8 years who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS
RFE sponsored projects must lead into, contribute to, or be complementary to longer term efforts in the national response. The RFE generally conducts one or two rounds of grant making each year. Each round is announced in various local English and Swahili newspapers. The two-step grant making process is described fully in the Funding Application page where application forms can also be downloaded. The RFE uses a paperless system. Applicants send their Concept Letters and proposals through email. The Grants Manager communicates directly with grantees to inform them of Steering Committee decisions and sends announcements to the media as well. Check the Upcoming Events box on the RFE home page for the date of the next Call for Concept Letters.

Contact information:

Funds for NGO’s

This webpage publishes the latest funding opportunities for NGO’s (by popularity, by date, by theme), offers a search engine for funding opportunities in your country, gives information on Foundation funds for NGOs (bilaterals, multilaterals). It also offers a number of free resources for NGOs (How to write a proposal, free fundraising guides, how to educate your staff in fundraising, NGO management and organisational development, etc.) and publishes invitations for fellowships and conferences. The site lists a number of scholarship opportunities for studying at universities abroad.

Contact information:

International aid organisations

If you wish to apply for grants outside of Tanzania, very many organisations exist which you could contact and most of them are present on the internet. A good first step could be contacting the national agencies of Western countries. They will be able to give you advice where to look next.

Contact information

United Nations

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