
Study of disability in EC development cooperation

The study includes information on the situation of PWD in developing countries - key statistics,
links to poverty, MDGs achievement, etc., information on the main political and legal framework for EC cooperation regarding disability, an analysis of how the concerns of persons with disabilities have been taken into account in EC Cooperation, an identification and analysis of the major actors in the field of development and disability looking also into possible emerging global actors with whom the EC should engage for cooperation, mutual learning and alignment purposes on the implementation of the Article 32 of the UN Convention; a set of recommendations on measures to take in order to comply with Article 32 of the UNCPRD and other international commitments.

Available at:

Disability rights advocacy workbook

This workbook was prepared to facilitate advocacy for people with disabilities. Each section of the workbook answers key questions about advocacy by and for people with disabilities that advocates, their communities, and their allies are likely to use. Included at the end of each section are exercises, which will help to deepen your understanding and can be used in training others about advocacy. The workbook will help you to learn about the charity, medical, social and rights models of disability, main challenges faced by people with disabilities, human rights, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and how to use it to help people with disabilities, etc.

Available at:

We can do BLOG

This blog is for anyone who wants to end poverty and oppression for poor disabled people in developing countries. We Can Do has a growing collection of information on resources and toolkits; funding sources; academic papers, research, and sources of information and statistics; case studies; news; international conferences and other events; call for papers; education and training opportunities; job and internship opportunities; and volunteer opportunities.

Available at:

Handicap International

Handicap International is an international organisation specialised in the field of disability.  Non-governmental, non-religious, non-political and non-profit making, it works alongside people with disabilities, whatever the context, offering them assistance and supporting them in their efforts to become self-reliant. Since its creation, the organisation has set up programmes in approximately 60 countries and intervened in many emergency situations. It has a network of eight national associations (Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA) which provide human and financial resources, manage projects and raise awareness of Handicap International's actions and campaigns.

Contact information:

Ask Source Information Support Centre

Source is an international information support centre providing free access to health and disability information. It is managed by Handicap International. Source provides access to resources relating to the management, practice and communication of international health and disability issues. It includes both published and unpublished materials, many originating from developing countries.
Our lists of key resources are grouped into six main topic areas:
Regarding disability, you may obtain information from many different areas of interest:
Do you have an information resource that could help someone working in health or disability at a community level? We are especially interested in materials that have been developed by individuals or organizations working in developing countries. Please add your information or resource to AskSource. 
Available at:

United Nations on Disabilities
Available at:

International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC)

IDDC aims to promote inclusive development, which means respecting the full human rights of every person and ensuring that all people are fully included in the development processes regardless of age, gender, disability, state of health or ethnic origin. IDDC works in the areas of community based rehabilitation, conflict and emergencies, CRPD, European Union, HIV&AIDS and disability, inclusive education, livelihood, MDGs, United Nations etc. On their webpage you can get access to World Disability Report.

Available at:

Making it work

Making it Work is a global, multi-stakeholder initiative to promote effective implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This international law represents a significant step towards addressing the poverty and social exclusion experienced by people with disabilities worldwide.  For most countries, however, there are significant gaps between the standards set by the CRPD, the standards of national policies and the reality on the ground for people with disabilities. Making it work displays all interesting information on the progress of the implementation of CRPD in countries worldwide and also offers a database of good work practices.

Available at:

Make development inclusive

This page has many good resources, workbooks and tools about making development initiatives inclusive.

Available at:

Enabling Education Network

EENET is an inclusive education information-sharing network, open to everyone. We help a wide range of people to access information and we encourage critical thinking, innovation and conversations on issues of inclusion, equity and rights in education.
The main feature of the website is our extensive resources database, containing over 400 short articles, longer documents, posters, training manuals, videos and much more from around the world. You will also find information about regional networks on inclusive education, upcoming events, job vacancies with various organizations, and details of EENET's own consultancy business.

Available at:

Tanzania Library Services Board (TLSB)

Tanzania Library Services Board is a national institution under the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training established by the 1963 act of parliament, and later on repealed by the 1975 act.
The Act requires the Board to promote, establish, equip and develop libraries, information centres, and documentation centres in Tanzania. TLSB has the role of ensuring that it provides information to all groups of people including:- children, youth, adults, and disadvantaged groups. In carrying out the above responsibilities TLSB acquires, organizes and distributes books, non-book materials and other forms of information materials to individuals, schools, Institutions and public in general.

Available at:

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