National, official and other
The State shall––
(a) promote and
protect Kiswahili as national language of Tanzania;
(b) ………..;
(c) promote
the development and official use
of Sign
language, Braille and
other communication formats and technologies accessible to persons with
Under the fundamental Bill of rights
person shall enjoy the rights and fundamental freedoms in the Bill of Rights to
the greatest extent consistent with the nature of the right or fundamental
In applying any right, the State shall be
guided by the following principles––
allocating resources, the State shall give priority to ensuring the widest
possible enjoyment of the right or fundamental freedom having regard to
prevailing circumstances, including the vulnerability of particular groups or
individuals such as people with disability, women and children.
(3) Non discrimination
person shall be discriminated directly or indirectly against any person on any
ground, including race, sex, pregnancy, marital status, health status, ethnic
or social origin, color, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief,
culture, dress, language or birth.
give full effect to the realization of the rights guaranteed under this
Article, the State shall take legislative and other measures, including
affirmative action programmes and policies designed to redress any disadvantage
suffered by individuals or groups such as peoples with disabilities because of
past discrimination.
(2) People with disabilities have the right
to free, fair and regular elections based on universal suffrage and the free
expression of the will of the electors and elected for—
Any elective public body or office established under this Constitution;
Any office of any political party of which the citizen is a member
Peoples with disability to participate as an independent candidates
(3) Every adult citizen with disabilities has
the right, without unreasonable restrictions—
(a) To be registered as a voter;
(b) To vote by secret ballot in any
election or referendum in a format based on her disabilities.
General principles for the electoral
81. The electoral system shall comply with the
following principles––
(c) fair representation of persons with
Legislation on elections
(1) Parliament shall enact legislation to provide
(a) the
conduct of elections
and referenda and
the regulation and efficient
supervision of elections
and referenda, including the
nomination of candidates
for elections;
(2) Legislation required by clause (1) (a) shall
ensure that voting at every election is—
(a) simple;
(b) transparent; and
(c) takes into account the special needs of—
(i) persons with disabilities; and
(ii) other persons or groups with special
(2) The State shall ensure the progressive
implementation of the principle that at least five percent of the members of
the public in elective and appointive bodies are persons with disabilities.
Affirmative action
State shall take measures, including affirmative action programmes, to ensure
that persons with disabilities—
relevant education and training freely;
free health services;
monthly supportive allowance;
opportunities to associate, be represented and participate in political,
social, economic and other spheres of life;
employment; and
protected from harmful cultural practices and exploitation.
2) Promotion of representation of
marginalised groups
Parliament shall enact legislation to promote
the promotional representation in Parliament and any decision makinng of—
(b) persons
with disabilities;
(c) youth
(d) women
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